Reviewed by:
Darryl Graham, MAIMS, National Laboratory Operations Manager, IDEXX Laboratories, 3 Overend Street, EAST BRISBANE, Q, 4169
Publication review appeared in:
Australian Journal of Medical Science May 2011 Vol. 32 No. 2
Microscopic Haematology:
A practical guide for the laboratory 3rd Edition, Gillian Rozenberg
Churchill Livingstone, Soft cover, 256 pages, over 400 colour illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-7295-4072-8
RRP: $135.00
The third edition includes 92 additional images detailing cell morphology and ultra-structure resulting in over 400 photomicrographs of slides in total. There is also online access for students to free learning resources and activities to supplement the learning material in the book (Evolve). For instructors there is online access to case studies relating to the illustrations contained in the book that would be very helpful as a teaching tool.
Gillian Rozenberg FAIMS is an acknowledged authority on blood cell morphology and has once again utilised her knowledge and expertise to produce an invaluable volume for reference in the medical laboratory and for students in the field of haematology.
This book contains four sections. The first section includes erythropoeisis, anaemias, haemoglobin disorders, membrane disorders and miscellaneous. The second section, dealing with leucocytes and platelets covers maturation, abnormal cells, neoplasms, and includes special stains where warranted. The third section on paediatric haematology covers cord blood, red cell disorders, bone marrow failure, benign disorders of leucocytes, myeloproliferative neoplasms, non-haemopoietic malignancies, storage disorders and platelet abnormalities. The fourth section deals with blood parasites, including the four generally recognised species of human malaria and also Plasmodium knowlesi, now recognised as a fifth species infecting humans, as well as non-malarial blood parasites.
The text in all sections includes accurate and succinct descriptions and the illustrations are always relevant and have been reproduced to represent faithfully what would be seen when viewed microscopically. In the main, the detail of the slides is excellent, and the cell structure/inclusions very clear, however some of the illustrations for the fourth section dealing with the malarial parasites are a little too small for enough detail to be seen. The slides that have been selected as illustrations are eminently illustrative of the condition under discussion. Appropriate special stains and diagnostic techniques are also incorporated and illustrated when relevant.
The descriptions of neoplasms in this edition are classified according to the generally accepted fourth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Cytogenetic and cytochemical / immunophenotypic details are included where applicable.
Having spent much of my career in the Haematology Department of a large metropolitan children’s hospital, I know too well that paediatric haematology, both normal and abnormal, is signifi cantly different from that seen in the adult. The inclusion of a chapter dedicated to the detailed description of paediatric haematology is most welcome.
The book does not purport to be a haematology text book, and nor is it. The minimalist texts assist the student of haematology in identifying and recognising the morphological features, however there is little or no explanation of the underlying cellular and physiological mechanisms which give rise to those morphological abnormalities, for example the shortened red cell life span in lead poisoning is mentioned but not elucidated.
Perhaps references to suitable texts could be incorporated. Labelling of the features in the photomicrographs would also be a welcome improvement. In addition, a glossary of terms would add value, for example burr cells appear in figure A3-17 with no previous mention or description.
I would recommend this practical guide as an absolute must for all laboratories and teaching institutions. It provides an exceptional resource for remote laboratories and will prove invaluable for training students who will appreciate the e-learning feature and the book’s very competitive price. The compact size makes the book easy to use next to the microscope, especially when compared to other atlases.
Reviewed by:
Valerie L. Ng PhD
(University of California San Francisco)
for Doody’s Electronic Journal
Microscopic Haematology:
A practical guide for the laboratory 2nd Edition, Gillian Rozenberg
This is the second edition of a comprehensive atlas of the microscopic appearance of a variety of disorders detected in the peripheral blood and bone marrow.
The purpose is to provide a comprehensive guide to the microscopic appearance of a variety of hematological disorders and other disorders than cause abnormalities in the peripheral blood or bone marrow. Improvements from the first edition include the addition of pediatric hematology as well as use of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of primary hematological disorders. The author has clearly succeeded in her worthy goals.
This book would be very useful for practicing clinical laboratory scientists (CLSs), pathologists and clinical hematologists. It would be of interest to medical and CLS students, pathology/laboratory medicine residents, and anyone interested in clinical microscopy.
This half-inch thick, paperback book contains a wealth of hematology information. The photomicrographs are absolutely first rate, with excellent color and definition. Everything that could possibly be detected in peripheral blood — from primary malignant hematological disorders to congenital hematological disorders to infectious agents — is represented in this book. An extremely helpful feature is the use of the WHO classification for primary hematological disorders, accompanied by a brief description of the associated immunophenotypic and karyotypic abnormalities. The pediatric hematology section was a nice addition and is also very well done. There are few things that captivate a hematologist/hematopathologist as much as a beautiful and comprehensive atlas of microscopic images of the vast spectrum of abnormalities detected by clinical microscopy. This book will astound and please many a hematologist/hematopathologist. I was personally awestruck with the sheer depth and breadth of this book as well as the beauty of the photomicrographs.
This is one of the best annotated microscopic atlases for disorders detected in the peripheral blood or bone marrow that I’ve encountered to date. Its small size and ready portability make it that much more appealing. Get it!
Weighted Numerical Score: 97 – 5 Stars!
Reviewed by:
Ms Robyn Wells. MAIMS
(QHPS-RBHc Haematology Dept – Herston, Queensland)
Microscopic Haematology:
A practical guide for the laboratory 2nd Edition, Gillian Rozenberg
This edition has been expanded to include a section on paediatric haematology covering cord blood, red cell disorders, bone marrow failure, benign disorders of leucocytes, myeloproliferative disorders, non-haemopoietic malignancies, storage disorders and platelet abnormalities
As stated by the author, a full description of the WHO classification of the neoplastic diseases of the lymphoid and haemopoietic tissues is beyond this book’s scope. However the author does an excellent job of reducing this system of classification down to its essential elements and presenting it in a very logical and ordered way making it readily comprehensible to the reader. The book indicates when the WHO classification is pathognomonic of the French-American-British (FAB) classification. All relevant cytogenetics and immunophenotypes commonly used to form a diagnosis are shown.
The photomicrographs are of a very high standard. They are all representative of what you would expect to see under the microscope with a particular disease or disorder and the quality of printing on good paper helps make the subtle nuclear and cytoplasmic detail clearly visible.
The entire book features clear, concise text that is written in easy to read plain English and presents relevant information with very few wasted words. The illustrations in this book have been carefully selected to be relevant to the text and the index is cross-referenced to help you quickly find what you are seeking.
It is difficult to find fault with this book. Perhaps in future editions references could be included, as this is not only used as a practical guide in the laboratory but is also used as a teaching text in tertiary institutions.
This book is a worthwhile purchase for any person who has an interest in morphology or would like a quick reference to things haematological.
Reviewed by:
Olivia Yacoub
Microscopic Haematology:
A practical guide for the laboratory 2nd Edition, Gillian Rozenberg
Conducted by Gillian Rozenberg 13-14 October 2007, Sydney
“This goes with that” was the catch cry of the workshop! A fantastic slogan for morphologists to be astute in linking blood cell changes together to form an informative report. A lonely, single cell change listed on it’s own at the bottom of a blood report, out of diagnostic context, is as useless to the clinician as a huge list of insignificant findings. Easier said than done? Not after this workshop!
The well known expert morphology author presented an enthusiastic, comprehensive workshop to a class of 37. Numbers are kept to a minimum to maximise interaction, so no query goes unanswered. Everything presented was logic based with explanations as to how and why particular cells appear in the peripheral blood, complemented by an excellent collection of pictures. The major ‘must know’ topics are covered including red cell nomenclature, WHO classifications, lymphocyte morphology and paediatric haematology. The workshop is so well organized and delivered that these exhaustive topics are well understood in two days.
Gillian Rozenberg is one of the most energetic, passionate presenters I have seen and I was fully captivated by all topics covered. I walked away from the workshop armed with an excellent refresher, particularly of the WHO classifications (which I recommend everyone brush up on who hasn’t already!) and excellent notes to refer back to in the future. If you are ever unsure of anything, you won’t walk away from this workshop with your questions unanswered! I highly recommend the course to anyone in the field of morphology, beginners and experienced morphologists alike. Keep an eye out for next years promotion via AIMS communications, to be held at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. Positions fill quickly so be sure to enroll promptly when the dates are announced. It’s a very enjoyable accrual of 20 APACE points!